Too much repetition going on, needs some more variety to it than just lead, synth and bass. The transition afterwords doesnt match the tone with the rest of the song. Im assuming youre trying to transition to each part, but have a proper transition instead of using the FX stocks off of FL. The drums are also most likely from FL. Get some sample packs to help you get started. It doesnt need to cost money. The lead is meh, the synth is meh, couldve used super hypersaws or something like that idk. The chord progression feels off, as in, it doesnt feel like its right for some reason. Try out some traid chords, and also use some minor chords since i dont hear much of them either. Experiment as well on sound design with Serum. Maybe try getting some presets at the least or get some custom wavetables. Most of what Im recommending you can be found on youtube, and most of them are free, so yeah. Hope this helps.